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Since 2005, Wegmans has partnered with town and city recreation programs and park conservancy groups to encourage folks to take advantage of their community’s trails. It’s part of their commitment to helping customers enjoy a healthier, better life through great food and healthy activity. Your Wegmans Hit The Trail Passport will make getting active even more fun. Your Wegmans Passport details the locations, terrain, and duration of various trails in your area, created by the Niagara River Greenway! You’re sure to find trails that match your interest and activity level. So, browse your passport, grab a buddy, and hit the trail for a healthier, better life!

View the Niagara River Greenway Digital Route Library here:


Stop by a WNY Wegmans Customer Service to get a trail book or come to a Niagara River Greenway event to pick one up!

After you complete 8 of 16 trails, you will be entered to win one of 5 Wegmans gift cards (valued at $50)! The current competition ends December 15th, 2024.

Register here for your chance to win:

Hit the Trail Submission

Enter the date each trail was completed. You need to complete 8/16 routes to be entered to win!

Hike #1: Tifft Nature Preserve:

Hike #2: Buckhorn State Park:

Hike #3: Art Park Gorge Trail:

Hike #4: Niagara Falls Gorge Trail:

Hike #5: Beaver Island Spauling Trail:

Hike #6: Nike Base Trails:

Bike Ride #1: Buffalo Outer Harbor:

Bike Ride #2: Scajaquada Creek to Unity Island Loop:

Bike Ride #3: Grand Island Shoreline Trail Loop:

Bike Ride #4: Shoreline Trail Lewiston Loop:

Bike Ride #5: Niagara Falls to Art Park:

Bike Ride #6: Two Mile Creek Loop:

Paddle #1: East River Marsh to Beaver Island Lagoon

Paddle #2: Woods Creek to Buckhorn Point

Paddle #3: North Tonawanda Botanical Gardens to Tonawanda Island Loop

Paddle #4: Lewiston to Joseph Davis State Park Paddle

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