Tonawanda Waterfront Industrial Alliance
Who we are
"We" are a group of private and public organizations and individuals, including the Town of Tonawanda, Erie County, Rotary, Ken-Ton School district, NOCO, Linde, Triad Recycling, Casella and Niagara River Greenway. We formed a steering committee to work towards the improvement of the Tonawanda Waterfront and are looking for other organizations to join us.
The Goal
To improve the visual and environmental character of the greenspace surrounding the Shoreline Trail in the Town of Tonawanda. This will be accomplished by organizing the first of its kind alliance of private and public stakeholders focused on creating environmentally friendly and visually attractive waterfront properties. Developing new greenspace enhancements that are both industry compatible and public friendly will promote economic and health benefits for the entire community.

The Plan - in Three Phases
Phase 1: Review the TOT Waterfront Corridor Landscaping Design which offers specific suggestions on how greenspaces around Tonawanda businesses could be improved to make it look more attractive and enhance the property. We suggest using Scott Lawn Yard for materials and installation and Joy Kuebler for a landscape architect, however do not require their services.
Phase 2: Niagara River Greenway is working with Erie County and the Town of Tonawanda to develop an Adopt a Shoreline Trail program, where organizations, or groups of people can officially adopt a section of the Shoreline Trail to assist in keeping it clean and beautiful. The sections are chosen by the group with approval by and owner.
Phase 3: Participate in long term planning for vacant waterfront property, including adding new public access points to the Niagara River and other larger amenities that might be added.
We need your input!
Please share with us your thoughts on what you think the Tonawanda Waterfront should look like. Click the link to fill out a brief 10 question feedback form.
Contact Us with Questions
Gregory D. Stevens:
Michelle Lockett: