The NRG Mission:
To restore the ecological health of the Niagara River and improve public access for all, while supporting the development of world-renowned scenic, natural, historic, cultural and recreational resources of the Niagara River Corridor. Advance the State’s commitment to comprehensive regional planning with continued emphasis on economic development, working collaboratively with our municipal partners, and community stakeholders.
Consistent with the Niagara River Greenway Plan approved by the Commission in 2007, the NRGC shall:
Prioritize the completion, and continual enhancement of a safe and enjoyable multi-use (non-automotive) trail from Buffalo’s Outer Harbor to Fort Niagara, with clear signage
Encourage connectivity from this “Greenway spine” to link upland and interior communities to promote access to the waterfront; Also connectivity to Canada for bicycle/pedestrian tourist access, and encourage cooperative efforts with the Province of Ontario and Nation of Canada
Promote shorter loops, and spurs that connect to the greenway spine and offer opportunities for shorter walks, hikes, bikerides to encourage active use of our waterfront and broaden appeal of the Greenway to all levels of participation
Connect Parks and greenspaces all along the greenway, and inform visitors of available activities and connectivity to other parks and greenspaces along the Greenway
Identify other lands that can contribute to the purposes of the Greenway
Work to restore the ecological health of the Niagara River shoreline by promoting habitat restoration and functional ecosystems all along the Greenway
Evaluate economic development activities in proximity to the Greenway that can support and complement the Greenway
Identify sources of funding that can enable the NRGC to work with State and federal Agencies to support consistent projects from municipalities, public and private corporations, not-for-profit organizations and private property owners and interests.
Develop solutions for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the Greenway trail, greenspaces and amenities