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The Structure:
Proposals brought before the Niagara River Greenway Commission include projects submitted for funding under various settlement agreements made during the re-licensing of the NYPA Project. Projects are reviewed by the Greenway Commision to determine consistency with the vision set forth by the Greenway Plan. Funding is administered through the four standing committees, more information on these committees can be found on their websites linked below.

Greenway Commission (16 Members)

Six (6) Ex-Officio Members

- Empire State Development (ESD)

- Department of Transportation (DOT)

- Department of State (DOS)

- Department of Conservation (DEC)

- New York Power Authority (NYPA)

- NY State Parks


Eight (8) Appointed Members

- Governor (4)

- State Assembly (2)

- State Senate (2)


Staff (3)

- Executive Director

- Community Engagement Director

- Administrative Director

Standing Committees

($3 Million/year)

($3 Million/year)

($2 Million/year)

($1 Million/year)

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