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The Niagara River Corridor
The Niagara River Corridor is a designated Ramsar site. Ramsar promotes the sustainable use of the world’s wetlands. This designation endorses the river's ecological significance and its global importance to biodiversity. The Niagara River is home to more than 700 species of plants, 300 bird species, 100 fish species, and many more mammals, reptiles, amphibians, mollusks, and insects. More than fifty of these species are endangered, threatened, or protected in New York State.
Importance of Our Corridor
Why are wetlands important?
Wetlands are one of the primary and most important components of biodiversity, the world’s biological cities. They provide habitat for all kinds of plants and animals, those that live in or on the water or those that live within the adjacent uplands. They support the food chain and insure that all species are able to thrive, provide a degree of erosion protection from waves and boat wakes, and filter contaminants from upland surface waters. Ecologically, they are the centers of biodiversity and collectively, wetlands worldwide help add stability to global levels of nitrogen, atmospheric sulfur, carbon dioxide, and methane. Wetlands are places for environmental education and passive recreation.
Photos by Paul Leuchner
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