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Youth Stewardship

The Niagara River Greenway and Rotary are working with local schools and youth clubs, to educate students with hands on experiences relating to Great Lakes ecology, riparian habitats, invasive species, pollinators, soil and water conservation and more. Students gain a sense of community, self-pride, and accomplishment working together towards the development and maintenance of our Niagara River Corridor.  We are creating life long stewards!

"As educators, we play a vital role in shaping future generations. This is why it is so important to promote civic responsibility, volunteerism, and a desire to make the community a better place."
~ Mr. Sabatino Cimato, Superintendent
Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda School District

2024 Environmental Ambassador Summit:

Congratulations to Tapestry High School for winning overall best project, which involved collecting, tracking and educating their community about microplastics. Second and third place went to Riverside and Mount St. Mary's, respectively. Kenmore East, Kenmore West, McKinley, Nichols, North Tonawanda, and St. Joe's were the other schools to participate.We would like to thank Linde for once again hosting and participating at the event, and all the organizations that participated, Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, Sea Grant, WNY Land Conservancy, US Fish & Wildlife Service, NYS Parks Interpretive, the DEC educators from Reinstein Woods, NOCO, Casella, Sumitomo, Dupont, NY Power Authority, Erie County Environment & Planning, University at Buffalo, Canisius University, Niagara University, Daemen University, & SUNY ESF.

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We are working with Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, WNY Land Conservancy, Pollinator Conservation Association, Department of Environmental Conservation, NY State Parks, WNY Prism, Buffalo Audubon Society, Buffalo Sewer Authority, and others to bring in supplemental class curriculum and outdoors place based learning opportunities to youth organizations. 


For more information please contact:

Michelle Lockett, Community Engagement Director

A catalog of environmental organizations and speakers who are working with us to educate youth on the great resource of the Niagara River!

North Tonawanda Middle School students planted a pollinator garden on their campus:
NTMS Garden Dig 2.jpg
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Kenmore East and West High School students rehabilitated garden beds and planted a community garden at the Tonawanda Senior Center:
Kenmore - Seniors Garden 5 (003).jpg
Senior Garden Maintenance July 22.jpg
Seniors at Riverside High School completed a day of service, planting trees and cleaning up their campus:
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Niagara Wheatfield students completing their 7th Bi-Annual Eco-Campus Revitalization Project:
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